
Forecheck SEO Report and Website Analysis Reports

We have been in the SEO business since 1997 and we know about all kinds of SEO reports. The questions that we ask ourselves for every report that we implement in Forecheck are the following:

– What conclusions and concrete actions can you draw from a report?
– Can you hand it over to a webmaster so that understands what he has to do with it?
– Can you explain the report to your mother?


Okay, after some discussion we skipped the last one. Many SEO tools look great, have nice graphs, but the conclusions are often reduced to “you have to do something” or “put the keyword xy into the title”. But is that the whole picture? Will this really increase your rankings, make your website better? Yes, the reports within Forecheck can be complex, but you can trust them, they are complete and they help.

further information

The crawler’s data

The first thing you see when you start an analysis is the Analysis tab with the results of the crawler. The colors help you to understand the data faster. Example: If any robot’s direction hinders the crawler when crawling a URL, you see a red marked column with a text that explains the reason. In the image you see several cases where the robots.txt file hinders the crawler from crawling that page. See more details about this in the Intro video.

But Forecheck crawls those pages. If a link leads to such a URL, and this link is broken, Forecheck will detect that. Visitors of the website might click on such a broken link. Of course you can also change this behavour in the Forecheck Settings.

SEO standard reports

The many SEO reports within Forecheck focus mainly on onpage reports in the beta version since other data like keyword rankings or backlinks have not yet been implemented (see Future Features). For SEO experts there are many well-known reports like “Missing Title” or “Duplicate Description”. But there are some important differences to other SEO tools:

All reports are available immediately after stopping an analysis. The analysis needs a few minutes or hours depending on the size of the analyzed website. Most reports are available within the tabs “Reports” and “Analysis”. In the Reports tab the information is reduced to what you need for that report. In the Analysis tab you can filter and sort the data to get the same information. But some reports have additional analyzed data and are only available within the Reports tab.

Next, you can export your filtered data of the analysis at any time to a raw comma separated CSV file or export it to Excel. Same with the reports in the Reports tab. Just click on the Excel icon at the top right. Additionally, an export runs very fast, even when exporting millions of data elements.

SEO expert reports

Since 1997 we have worked as SEO experts and we know the problem of incomplete reports and reports that look good but have no informative value. A very good example is the duplicate content (DC) problem. There are many reasons for DC and different ways to solve these problems. But first you must have a full report about all cases of DC since only then you can understand the systematic and/or particular reasons.

Forecheck has the most innovative and complete DC report available – it shows all cases of DC and explains in detail the reasons. For this we developed a rule-based standard that explains all types of DC problems. Not only is the robots.txt content analyzed but also the Canonical URL. Every URL within a case of DC is analyzed and the rule that applies to that URL is stated. The Help file within Forecheck explains in detail the basics of any DC problem as well as the rules and the procedures.

The image on the right shows two samples of DC problems. Just download and try Forecheck for yourself now!
